
WordPress beginner’s guide

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Content of this eBook:

Chapter 1: Getting Started with WordPress

  • What is WordPress?
  • Why use WordPress?
  • Installing WordPress
  • Understanding the WordPress Dashboard
  • Choosing a WordPress Theme

Chapter 2: Creating Content in WordPress

  • Creating Posts in WordPress
  • Formatting Your Content
  • Adding Media to Your Post
  • Creating Pages in WordPress
  • Organizing Your Content with Categories and Tags
    • Categories
    • Tags

Chapter 3: Customizing Your WordPress Website

  • Customizing Your Theme
  • Using Widgets and Plugins
  • Creating Custom Menus
  • Customizing Your Site’s Settings

Chapter 4: Maintaining and Optimizing Your WordPress Website

  • Updating WordPress and Plugins
  • Backing Up Your Website
  • Optimizing Your Website’s Performance
  • Securing Your Website

Chapter 5: Promoting Your WordPress Website and Growing Your Online Presence

  • Creating Engaging Content
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Email Marketing
  • Analytics and Tracking

Chapter 6: Final Thoughts and Next Steps

  • Recap
  • Next Steps
